Section 1 - Concept and Principles of OT Cybersecurity

Your score is 60%
Your company’s cybersecurity posture is fair. You have a basic understanding of the concepts being assessed and you have some security measures in place, but there is room for improvement. You have some gaps in your security measures, but you are not at high risk of a cyber-attack. If you want to improve your business results you can start out by looking at the Operational Technology Cybersecurity Framework. Also, if you want to improve your knowledge on the topic, it is suggested to read the Training Course.

Section 2 - Benefits and Challenges for OT Cybersecurity implementation

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Section 3 - OT Cybersecurity Risk Management

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Section 4 - OT Cybersecurity Basics

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Section 5 - Open-Source Tools

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Section 6 - Network Security and Diagnostics

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Section 7 - Security controls for OT assets

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Section 8 - Cyber threats & Vulnerabilities

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Seciton 9 - Business Continuity

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